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Embarking on my journey to fulfill my purpose has been an incredible experience, making me want to share some specific signs that indicate you're on the right path in life. These signs include tangible elements you can assess within yourself, as well as the more spiritual aspects of the journey. It's truly remarkable how much life can transform when you make the decision to pursue what you were meant for.
Now, if you find yourself wondering, "How do I even know what my purpose is?" I'd argue that it's simpler than most people think. That is, as long as you finally make an effort to silence your anxious thoughts – the ones that say you're not worthy, lack experience, or won't succeed. These thoughts often hinder people from reaching their biggest dreams, and I genuinely believe it's as straightforward as that – your greatest dreams are your purpose.
Your mind and body inherently understand what you're meant for; it's that intuition many have learned to overlook. It's an instinct we were more attuned to as children, a time when our life aspirations knew no bounds. I encourage each of you to reconnect with that mindset, as it unveils your true self, desires, and passions that may have been obscured by societal expectations and rules over the years.
If you're on the fence about making a change, let me emphasize something important. The average American works 40-hour weeks for at least 40 years until retirement, and that's without considering overtime, which has become quite common in the United States.
That adds up to a whopping 83,200 hours of your life dedicated to working for someone else.
And considering we don't know how long we'll be around, isn't it worth considering a switch to something that brings you joy? After all, work takes up the most significant portion of our lives (apart from sleeping, of course). We only have one life, so why not spend it doing something you love, something that fulfills you?
I'm tired of the common narrative that suggests everyone should exist solely for the big guys' capitalistic goals. I genuinely believe that everyone deserves a life filled with happiness and fulfillment.
So, with that in mind, here are some practical steps to help you figure out your purpose and signs to ensure you're on the right track.
Quick Exercises to Find Your Purpose
Think about your dreams as a child
I wholeheartedly believe that our childhood dreams can reveal a lot about our life's purpose. As children, we haven't yet been burdened by the societal pressures dictating what we should do, what we're good or bad at, or what will make us the most "successful." In our youth, we are simply ourselves, naturally drawn to the things that resonate with who we are. Personally, all I ever wanted was to be a zookeeper; I adored all animals and just wanted to care for them all day. While my career aspirations may have evolved as I grew up, the essence of that childhood dream still influences me. Now, as an adult, I prioritize having a life that involves caring for animals, such as owning a small homestead.
The things we loved as children often remain within us, waiting to be rediscovered. Give it a try, and you may be surprised to experience the pure joy and hear your natural childhood laughter again.
Meditate and visualize your dream life
If you're feeling lost in finding your life's purpose, consider setting up a meditation session. Approach it by asking the universe to reveal what would make you happiest and align with your purpose. During the meditation, allow your mind to roam freely in visualization. It might sound simple, but I did this about a year ago, envisioning myself traveling the world, capturing videos and photos, and speaking. At the time, I thought it was wishful thinking, too far-fetched. Yet, here I am, living that vision as my career. Allow your mind to wander without letting anxieties and self-imposed limitations obstruct your path.
Think about the people you admire
It's essential to remember that the admiration you feel for others often reflects qualities you admire within yourself or aspire to embody. Take a moment to think about the people you genuinely look up to and create a list of the specific reasons why. These attributes are aspects you should strive to cultivate within yourself. If it's related to their career or achievements, don't hesitate to reach out and ask them directly about their journey—many people are open to sharing their experiences and insights.
What would you be most proud to tell someone?
A powerful journal prompt is to ask yourself: What accomplishment would you be most excited to share with the people you love? There's no right or wrong answer here; whatever comes to mind is a reflection of what your intuition is yearning for. Take the time to explore this prompt, and you might uncover valuable insights about your true desires and aspirations.
Tangible Signs You've Already Found Your Life Purpose
The way you talk about your life and what you do
When someone inquires about your life and profession, do you find yourself swiftly disclosing your job title, attempting to steer the conversation toward more "exciting" topics? Alternatively, do you feel a surge of energy discussing your work, almost unable to contain your enthusiasm? It's akin to the joy one experiences when talking about a beloved partner—you might even need to restrain yourself from sharing too much. If you resonate with the latter, consider it a privilege to have something in your life that you're genuinely passionate about.
All of the sudden, you don't care what people think about you.
This has been a struggle for me since childhood—honestly, before I can even remember. However, as I began to trust my intuition and pursue what truly resonated with me in life, this internal conflict started to fade away. I came to the realization that if my identity and beliefs don't align with everyone else's, that's precisely the point, isn't it? Yet, before finding something I strongly identified with, it was challenging to feel confident in my own skin, often leading me to mold myself into a likable version for others in the room.
You find yourself surrounded by the right people who support your purpose
I'd like to say, that this is not immediate but may have a significant lag. I've found when you first start chasing whatever dream you have, it can be quite isolating. Sometimes the people you have been surrounding yourself with don't exactly relate to you as much anymore, or you simply don't have time because your so absorbed with your work. If you're in this stage, don't worry, this is extremely normal. You'll come out of it, and this time, by publicly doing your work you'll most likely be surrounded with people that actively support you and life you up.
If you love what you are doing, you won't want to stop.
I want to emphasize that this transformation is not immediate; there may be a significant time lag. When you initially embark on pursuing your dreams, it can be isolating. The people you've surrounded yourself with may not relate to you as much, or you might find yourself absorbed in your work with limited time for social connections. If you're currently experiencing this stage, don't worry— it's perfectly normal. You'll emerge from it, and as you showcase your work publicly, you're likely to attract people who actively support and uplift you.
Spiritual Signs to Look for
Alright, I know this might be where we lose a few skeptics, but bear with me! I grew up as someone very grounded in the literal, perceiving the world on a material level like most of us do. However, after experiencing a series of seemingly extraordinary coincidences, I couldn't overlook the possibility of another dimension to life. II'm asking you to keep an open mind here, because once I allowed that possibility into my life, things took off on a whole new ride.
Seeing Angel Numbers
I've observed that when faced with significant decisions, often accompanied by fear and anxiety, angel numbers tend to appear. And not just once, but multiple times every day. It's almost as if the universe (or whatever higher power you believe in) is offering a reassuring pat on the back, urging you to keep moving forward—it will all work out. On the flip side, during stagnant periods in my life, I can go months without encountering repeating numbers like 444, 222, or 111. It's a compelling contrast that I can't easily dismiss.
Strange coincidences
This phenomenon can be quite elusive, mainly due to its varied contexts. In essence, I'm referring to those seemingly improbable occurrences – like pondering something on a train and hearing the person across from you bring it up.
It could be thinking about someone after a long time and receiving a call from them later that night. Or, in a more personal example, deciding to move to Costa Rica and having the person interested in your apartment visit wearing a hat that says "Costa Rica"—the first time he's worn it in years. The possibilities are endless, and you'll recognize it when you experience it. I tend to interpret these occurrences as indicators that your path is aligning; you're in the right place at the right time, and the universe is guiding you forward.
How to get in Touch with the Spiritual Side
Now, I understand that a good portion of you reading this may not have explored or connected with this aspect of life—and that's perfectly okay. However, if you find yourself intrigued (which I highly encourage), here are a few straightforward and manageable tasks to kickstart your journey and open up communication with the universe (or higher power).
There's no right or wrong way to approach this. Whether you do it for one minute or ten, sitting up or lying down, it's entirely up to you. The reason I suggest this as your first step is that many of us, especially in the USA, find ourselves living on autopilot. We navigate each day, focusing on accomplishing tasks until it's time for bed. If we're lucky, we might unwind by reading a book or watching TV. Few of us take a moment to simply breathe and observe our surroundings, let alone our own minds. Meditating serves as a valuable introduction to being still and present—a state where you're more likely to receive communication and notice meaningful coincidences.
Make a deal with the universe
This is a suggestion I like to share with skeptics, not only to express openness to communication but also to allow yourself to witness the capabilities of the spiritual world. I recommend picking something you don't see or think about frequently. In the past, some have chosen animals like whales or frogs. Simply observe and wait to see how often you come across it in your everyday life. It can be a powerful way to tune into the subtle synchronicities that might be occurring around you.
Ask the universe questions and journal the answers you get.
This was one of the initial steps I took when I began feeling overwhelmed and somewhat confused by what seemed like an abundance of messages and information from the spiritual side. To bring clarity to the situation, I started asking direct questions and allowed my intuition to guide me to the answers. Looking back, it's surprising how much those answers aligned with my current reality. Trusting your intuition in this way can be a powerful tool for gaining insights and navigating the spiritual realm.
In Summary
I genuinely believe that everyone deserves to live a life they love, not just one they're okay with. I hope you've gained something valuable from this article and that you love yourself enough to believe you deserve happiness too. Changing the way we perceive life can be challenging, involving many twists, turns, ups, and downs, but the ultimate goal is simply to be happy. Remember, you don't owe anyone anything when it comes to your dreams and life.
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I love both the podcast and written format. Listening and reading to this same topic made my brain approach this in two completely different ways. Either way, you’ve really got me thinking and I doubt I’m the only one out there.